Our Mission


Mission Action Plan 2023/24


In a process of discernment, the Parochial Church Council has identified two areas of special focus for the year ahead.


1. Welcome - especially on a Sunday morning at the 10am Parish Eucharist. To enrich and enliven our welcome to all who come to the Parish Eucharist, which is the heart of the Church and our life together.


2. To properly engage with serving the whole geographic Parish, by drawing people into the life of The Church - the greatest gift we have to give and the core of our calling as Christians: the worship of Almighty God.

Diocese of London - Vision 2030 

'For every Londoner to encounter the love of God in Christ'


For full details click below

Diocese of London - Vision 2030
Microsoft Power Point presentation [4.5 MB]

St Giles' Cripplegate Church
Fore Street
London EC2Y 8DA


Registered Charity               Number 1138077


8.30- 8.50 Morning Prayer

10.00-11.10 Parish Eucharist with Children's Sunday Club

4.00-4.45 Choral Evensong on 1st Sunday of the month.  

4.00-4.20 Evening Prayer.         on 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays in the month. 


This coming week, Evening Prayer with replaced with a daily

Choral Evening Prayer 5.15-6.00pm

with the Royal College of Organists Summer School Students on

Tuesday 30th - Friday 2nd.

And there is

Choral Eucharist 10.30am Saturday 3rd



8.00 - 8.20 Holy Eucharist
8.30 - 8.50 Morning Prayer
5.30 - 5.50 Evening Prayer

8.30 - 8.50 Morning Prayer 

5.30 - 5.50 Evening Prayer

6.00 - 6.20 Holy Eucharist

8.30 - 8.50 Morning Prayer 
10.00 - 10.20 Holy Eucharist and coffee 
12.30 - 1.00 Bible Study in the Rectory
5.30 - 5.50 Evening Prayer
8.30 - 8.50 Morning Prayer
12.30 - 12.55 Holy Communion BCP 1662       
5.30 - 5.50 Evening Prayer


Wednesday 3 July        Lectio  Divina on Zoom  at 7.30pm.

Please contact Susan Royce for details   susanjroyce@gmail.com


2024 Dates for Silent Prayer from 1-1.30 pm and Cleaning Angels from 1.30-3pm with tea and cake, on first Thursday of the month.

You are invited to join others in church on  the first Thursday of the month.

If you are not able to join us, we hope you will continue to pray with us wherever you are, 

  • 4 July
  • not in August
  • 5 September
  • 3 October
  • 7 November
  •  5 December.

2024 Dates for Standing Committee Meetings - held in the Rectory at 6.15pm. 

  • 16th September
  • 4th November


2024 Dates for PCC Meetings

(please note the themes for each meeting in Dark Blue) held in the church at 7.30pm but in the Rectory when with Supper,

  • 3rd July 
  • 7th October   Safeguarding

Parish Office Hours

For the Parish Administrator 
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10am-4pm

Phone 07535 442955 or 


For the Bookings and Events Co-ordinator, Buildings Supervisor 

Phone 07766 202731 or 


Safeguarding is at the heart of our Christian faith. We are all made unique and in the image of God.

‘Jesus came that we might have life and have it in abundance’ John 10 v 10.

St Giles’ works to ensure a safe environment for everyone. Please click the ‘safeguarding' tab on this website for more information.

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