Holy Baptism (Christening)
For many centuries parents who counted themselves members of the Christian Church have brought their children to be baptised. When a child is baptised (or Christened, both words mean the same) he or she is welcomed into the household of God and made a member of the church. It is the start of a journey.
The people who were baptised in the time of Jesus were adults. In the earliest days of the church only adults were baptised and this is still the custom in some Christian traditions. As time passed, parents asked if their children could also be baptised and this custom was established. Children were baptised on the understanding that their parents would bring them up in the faith of Christ. The church baptises babies and young children aware that the parents and Godparents will not always be fully involved in the life of the church but on the understanding that they take seriously the opening of the life of the child to the touch of God. In the baptism service parents and Godparents promise to bring up the child to follow Jesus, and to show him or her the right way to live by their own example. The child receives the love and shared faith of the whole people of God.
A prayer for your child:
God of love,
may this child grow to love, to worship and serve you,
and bring life and joy to the world. Amen
We also rejoice to welcome adults to baptism, who take part in a short course of preparation with the clergy.
Baptisms here take place during the Parish Eucharist at 10.00.
If you are considering baptism, either for yourself or your child, please do get in touch with us, as we'll be only too happy to help. Contact us