Music in St Giles'
September Music at St Giles’ on Sundays at 10am Parish Eucharist
1st September St Giles Day
10 a.m. PARISH EUCHARIST Common Worship
Service by Ayres
CHOIR GRADUAL Brahms How lovely are Thy dwellings O blest are they that dwell in thy house: they praise thy name evermore.
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Every perfect gift is from above, from the Father of lights, in whom there is no variation, or shadow of doubt.
CHOIR COMMUNION Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine O Christ, bless these faithful people. Accept their songs and send them forth, joyfully filled with your gifts.
ORGAN PRELUDE Stanford Allegretto (Opus 101, Set 1)
ORGAN POSTLUDE Smart Postlude in D major
HYMNS St Giles Hymn Abbot’s Leigh; 533 Billing (504); 311 omit v. 3 St Helen; 538 Wolvercote omit vv. 3,4
8thSeptember Trinity 15
10 a.m. PARISH EUCHARIST Common Worship
Service by Ayres
PSALM 125 with chant 8
CHOIR GRADUAL Tye Give almes of thy goods and turn never thy face from any poor man, and then the face of the Lord shall not be turned away from thee.
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Those who are generous are blessed, for they share their bread with the poor.
CHOIR COMMUNION Wood Oculi omnium All eyes look to you Lord and you give them their food in due time.
ORGAN PRELUDE J.S.Bach Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele
ORGAN POSTLUDE : J.S.Bach Allabreve BWV 589
HYMNS 534 Richmond (424); 442 Hyfrydol (278); 267 Moscow
15th September Trinity 16
10 a.m. PARISH EUCHARIST Common Worship
Service by Ayres
PSALM 19 with chant 109
CHOIR GRADUAL Bairstow Though I speak with the tongues of men And though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Those who look into the perfect law and persevere, they will be blest in their doing.
CHOIR COMMUNION Wilby Wondrous Cross (Text at Hymn 127)
ORGAN PRELUDE Pachelbel Vater unser in Himmelreich
ORGAN POSTLUDE Pachelbel Allein Gott in der Hӧh sei Ehr
HYMNS 398 Guiting Power; 582 Breslau; 538 Wolvercote
22nd September Trinity 17
10 a.m. PARISH EUCHARIST Common Worship
Service by Ayres
PSALM 1 with chant 93
CHOIR GRADUAL Boyce O where shall wisdom be found? The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul, the command of the Lord is true and makes wise the simple.
CHOIR COMMUNION Ireland Ex ore innocentium (Text at Hymn 109)
ORGAN PRELUDE Archer Adoro te, devote
ORGAN POSTLUDE Mathias Fanfare
HYMNS 557 Gerontius; 191 Hereford; 627 Laudate Dominum
29thSeptember Michael and All Angels
10 a.m. PARISH EUCHARIST Common Worship
Service by Ayres
CHOIR GRADUAL Victoria O quam gloriosum O, how glorious is the kingdom, in which all the saints rejoice with Christ! Arrayed in white robes, they follow the Lamb, wherever he goes.
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION He makes his angels spirits, and his servants flames of fire.
CHOIR COMMUNION Franck Panis angelicus Bread of angels, it becomes the bread of humanity.
ORGAN PRELUDE Vierne Lied (24 Pièces en style libre)
ORGAN POSTLUDE Vierne Postlude (24 Pièces en style libre)
HYMNS 377 Angel voices; 247 Trisagion; 313 Rockingham; 466 Coe Fen
With a professional quartet of singers at services, regular concerts in the Church, three outstanding pipe organs, a Steinway B grand piano and its use for recording sessions and broadcasts, music is a major part of the life of the Church. Since 1992 this church has been the headquarters of a major movement to recruit and train organists; lessons and classes in organ playing for all ages continue here throughout the year.
The Director of Music
Anne Marsden Thomas
(Director of Music)
Anne has been Director of Music at St Giles' since 1980. She founded St. Giles International Organ School in 1992 and directed it until January 2012 when it became part of the education programme of RCO Academy. For many years she also directed the annual RCO Academy Summer Course for Organists in the City of London which regularly attracted 60-75 students from around the world. She is widely known for her work as organ teacher, concert organist and church musician. Her concert and teaching work has taken her to the USA, Japan, Europe and all over the UK, and she has made several commercial recordings. She has written and edited many books for organists, published by Oxford University Press, Cramer Music and the Royal School of Church Music. She has wide experience of examining grade examinations and diplomas. As well as teaching students of all standards, Anne enjoys training organ teachers.
Elizabeth Day (Organist)
Elizabeth was educated in Scotland and attended Dundee University where she read mathematics as well holding the post of Assistant Organist of Dundee Cathedral. After graduating she trained as a primary school teacher and has taught in schools in Dundee, Edinburgh and Switzerland.
Whilst working in Edinburgh, she started taking organ lessons with Anne Marsden Thomas. She has given many solo recitals including at Oxford Town Hall, St Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh, and Lichfield Cathedral as well as at several churches in London.
She lives in South London with her husband and daughter.
Inga de Vegvar (Organ Scholar)
is currently a Year 12 student at Francis Holland School, and has been passionate about playing the organ since she first started four years ago. In addition to her organ lessons with Anne Marsden Thomas, Inga is a student at the Royal College of Music, where she learns viola and piano. She is hoping to pursue both the organ and her musical studies at university. Outside of music, Inga enjoys her school studies and playing tennis. She has very much enjoyed her first year as Organ Scholar and being part of the St Giles' Community.
The Choir
The professional vocal quartet sings two anthems and leads the congregational singing at the Sunday morning service. The choir is also available for special services (weddings, funerals, memorials, livery and carol services).
Penny Sharpe (soprano)
Penny was born in Tasmania where she trained at the Conservatorium. After singing in the Lyric Opera Company, Brisbane, she joined the Song Company (an a capella ensemble specialising in early and contemporary music) in Sydney. With the Song Company she was involved in festivals, concerts, recordings, children's concerts and live broadcasts on national radio, plus tours of South Korea and New Zealand and throughout Australia. Currently she earns a regular salary working in market research, primarily in wine and spirits, while taking professional singing engagements on a part-time basis. Her clear, warm voice is supported by a flawless technique and perfect intonation
Amanda Dean (alto)
Amanda began singing in choirs as a child, conducted by Ronald Corp and Ralph Allwood. She read Music at Cambridge University where she was a choral scholar at Trinity College.
Since then she has sung mostly contemporary classical music. Stage projects include roles in Stockhausen’s Mittwoch as part of 2012’s Cultural Olympiad (with helicopters and a camel) and Birtwistle’s The Minotaur for the Royal Opera House (drenched in stage blood). Amanda continues to enjoy ensemble and choral singing. She has sung on many film soundtracks with London Voices, including several of the Star Wars and Harry Potter films.
Amanda also has a qualification in tax, and about half her working time is spent writing about tax, and preparing tax returns for clients working in the arts. She is happy with either a music score or the latest tax legislation. She also composes when she has time (so not very much) and runs a girls’ choir at a local school.
Amanda is an impeccable sight-reader and instantly adapts her vocal quality to whatever repertoire she is singing, whether it is Palestrina, McDowall, or anything in between.
Robin Whitehouse (tenor)
Robin studied voice and horn for a year at the Royal College of Music before reading maths at Oxford University. Whilst at Oxford he sang and played with all the major university choirs and orchestras, and continued to sing with the choir of St Mary the Virgin (the University church) until taking up his post at St Giles.
Operatic roles have included Alfredo (La Traviata), Abinadab (world premiere of Sam Hogarth’s David and Goliath with New Chamber Opera and most recently Prince Ramiro (La Cenerentola).
Solo engagements have included Evangelist in Bach’s Passions, Mendelssohn’s Elijah and Britten’s Serenade, Nocturne and St Nicolas, as well as Strauss’s 2nd Horn Concerto and Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No.1. He was recently invited to take part in a public masterclass on Mahler songs with the Oxford University Orchestra, taken by Ian Bostridge. He currently studies with Ann de Renais. Robin has an extraordinary dynamic range throughout his wide vocal compass.
Louis Hurst (bass baritione)
Louis was the Winner of the Audience Prize at the Fulham Opera Robert Presley Memorial Verdi Prize 2019 and a Finalist for the Wagner Society of England's Singing Competition. Selected to participate in ENO’s Opera Works Programme and with British Youth Opera.
Mancunian-born Louis gained his MMus with Distinction from the RNCM. His studies were made possible by the generous support of Michael Oglesby, the Drapers Guild, and the Musician's Benevolent Fund.
Louis joined St Giles’ choir in 2022, a year in which his roles included Don Pasquale for Hurn Court Opera, Escamillo Carmen for Regents Opera and Sciarrone Tosca for Diva Opera. Louis has worked with many prominent companies including English National Opera, Britten Sinfonia, Zurcher Sing Akadamie, and the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
The Organs
There are three organs at St Giles'. The grand organ and the chancel organ are in the body of the church; the practice organ is in the vestry.
The Grand Organ
The Grand Organ, mounted on a gallery, has three manuals, a radiating/concave pedalboard, mechanical action, 39 speaking stops, balanced Swell pedal and a full range of modern accessories including a sequencer. This organ is ideal for solo work, and for accompanying musicians in the west gallery. Organ history: Jordan & Bridge 1733, Willis 1872, Jones 1902, Mander 1970. It was cleaned and restored in Autumn 2008.
Double Open Diapason 16
Open Diapason 8
Stopt. Diapason 8
Principal 4
Flute 4
Twelfth 2 2/3
Fifteenth 2
Larigot 1 1/3
Mixture lll
Fourniture lV-Vl
Mounted Cornet V
Trumpet 8
Clarion 4
Great Reeds on Choir
Swell to Great
SWELL (enclosed)
Open Diapason
Stopt. Diapason 8'
Viola 8
Principal 4
Fifteenth 2
Mixture lll
Contra hautboy 16
Cornopean 8
Clariaon 4
Open Diapason 16
Bourdon 16
Octave 8
Flute 8
Gemshorn 4
Mixture lll
Trombone 16
Trumpet 8
Swell to Pedal
Choir to Pedal
CHOIR (unenclosed)
Stopt. Diapason 8
Dulciana 8
Principal 4
Nason Flute 4
Nazard 2 2/3
Spitz Flute 2
Tierce 1 3/5
Mounted Cornet V (from Great)
Cymbel lll
Cremona 8
Swell to Choir
Key compass C to a3 (58 notes)
Pedal compass C to f1 (30 notes) Radiating Concave
8 general pistons, arranged above the Swell manual, with 16 memories
5 department pistons to Swell, Great, Choir.
5 combination pedals to Pedal department (right of centre)
5 combination pedals to Swell department (left of centre)
All couplers available as reversible pistons
Swell to Great, Great to Pedal also available as reversible coupler pedals
Rocker switch for Great and Pedal Combinations Coupler,
Rocker switch for Generals on Swell Combination Pedals
Independent sequencer, with three 'Next' pistons, one 'Next' pedal, and one 'Back' piston General cancel piston
Fully adjustable bench
Independent lights for manuals and pedals.
Mechanical action to manuals and pedals, with electrical stop action and electrical assistance on Swell to Great.
The Chancel Organ
The chancel organ was installed 2008, has two manuals, a straight/concave pedalboard, mechanical action, 15 speaking stops, a balanced Swell pedal and a full range of modern accessories including generals and a stepper. This organ is ideal for accompanying musicians on the large chancel, to which it is adjacent. There are unique carvings on the woodwork
Open Diapason 8
Stopped Diapason 8
Principal 4
Fifteenth 2
Mixture IV 11/3
Trumpet 8
Swell to Great
Gedackt 8
Principal 4
Chimney flute 4
Recorder 2
Sesquialtera II 22/3
Oboe 8
Bourdon 16
Principal 8
Trumpet 8
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Key compass C to a3 (58 notes)
Pedal compass C to f1 (30 notes) Straight Concave
6 divisional pistons/toe pedals and 8 general pistons served by 66 memories
Gt and Ped combinations coupler
Generals on Swell toe pistons
Adjustable toe pedal to give Swell to Pedal/Stepper Advance/Stepper Reverse
Fully adjustable bench
Adjustable music stand
Talking stops device
Rings on the stop shanks to aid identification of tonal families
Mechanical action to all departments
The Practice Organ
Organ by Kenneth Tickell 2008 situated in the church office. For the exclusive use of students of Royal College of Organists Acredited Teachers. Please email for details of how to book and pay for practice on this organ.
Stopt. Diapason 8
Principal 4
Chimeny Flute 8
Spitz Flute 4
Open Flute 8
Manual 1 to Pedals.
Direct suspended action to the upper manual.
Balanced action to the lower manual.
Key compass C to a3 (58 notes)
Pedal compass C to f1 (30 notes) Straight Concave
A single ridge on the stop shank to identify the Principal stop by touch.
An adjustable bench with an exceptionally wide range of positions.
The Steinway B Grand Piano
We have a beautiful and well-maintained Steinway B Grand Piano. If you would like to use this piano please contact, Jake Kirner the
Bookings and Events Co-ordinator, Buildings Supervisor
Phone 07766 202731 or
The Bells
There is a ring of twelve bells hung for change ringing with a tenor weighing 34cwt and tuned to C-sharp. They are augmented by a sharp-second which provides a light ring of eight, tenor 11cwt in G-sharp. Full details of these bells, and their predecessors, are published at St. Giles' Cripplegate Ringing is arranged by the Ancient Society of College Youths and details are on their website ASCY. Visiting ringers are very welcome. To arrange a visit please contact the Tower Secretary Richard Pullin